Sunwest Construction and Development Corporation
A Triple "AAA" Class Construction in the Bicol Region Provides Services in Both Construction and Real Estate. From Horizontals to Vertical constructions.
We also welcome you to our variety of services in the construction. Mostly development and Repairs.
This website is newly edited by Sunwest Construction EDP Department. Most part will be updated from time to time. All the pictures and Messages are of Copyright and owned by Sunwest Construction.

The Renaissance Gardens
The Bicols Classical and most visited place. With Features and Amemities that will make your life a wholesome one.
A lifetime of comfort and convenience, very secure, very private, very safe and very exclusive.
Our Contacts and Telephone numbers:
Telephone Numbers:
+63 (052)480-8053 to 55 or +63 (052)214-3292 to 93
Fax: +63 (052)214-3291
The Webmaster